Unfortunately, none of us is immune from the occurrence of colds, the same applies to women in an "interesting position". After all, nasal congestion during pregnancy, as well as sneezing and coughing, often make them feel uncomfortable. Of course, at other times you can

it would be nice to start using medications to combat nasal congestion, but not now. After all, during pregnancy, the use of medications should be approached with extreme caution, and if possible, avoid taking them in order to protect the baby under the heart as much as possible.

The occurrence of nasal congestion during pregnancy is quite common, and it is explained by the origin of significant hormonal changes in the woman's body. That is, the blood flow increases due to an increase in the level of female hormones, which causes the nasal mucous membranes to swell. This causes breathing difficulties. Most often this happens in the middle of pregnancy and passes immediately after childbirth.

Because of such common appearances in expectant mothers, nasal congestion during pregnancy received its own name – rhinitis. In some cases, it does not cause any special problems for women, but it happens that it becomes a real test for them – it makes it difficult to sleep or simply does not allow them to breathe. In such cases, it is impossible to do without medical intervention.

Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, in no case should you self-medicate. After all, many of the usual medications for nasal congestion, especially vasoconstrictive drops, are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy. Because of the substances contained in them, they have the ability to penetrate into the placenta and disrupt blood circulation in it, and this is a direct threat to the development of the child and the occurrence of hypoxia. In addition, these active substances get directly into the body of an unborn baby.

When choosing a method of treating nasal congestion in a pregnant woman, the safety of the product for the health of the baby and mother should serve as a guideline in the first place. It is desirable that these are medicines based on natural ingredients, one of which is a "nasal shower".

It is not worth delaying, much less postponing, treatment. On the contrary, at the slightest manifestations of the disease, you need to contact the doctors in a timely manner. After all, a mom's breathing disorder is the appearance of various problems in the brain and heart of the unborn baby.

A few tips on how to overcome nasal congestion during pregnancy
As we have already written above, it is worth avoiding dripping ordinary drops into the nose. Let's remember our grandmothers who treated nasal congestion during pregnancy without modern medicines.

The first thing that can come to the rescue here is inhalation. Heat the water in a saucepan. When it boils, remove it and put it on a chair or wherever it is convenient for you. The point is to cover yourself with a blanket and breathe a little steam. It will warm up your nose and release your breath.

Remember how you should sleep during pregnancy? So if you sleep in a horizontal position, it becomes more difficult to breathe. Try to take a position on your side.

Take a warm shower before going to bed. Warm water will expand your blood vessels and make breathing easier.

Do not forget that using nose drops is not recommended. And if nasal congestion does not give you peace of mind, contact your doctor so that he will prescribe appropriate treatment for you. Good luck and be happy! bit qt
